Haga una predicción
Gana puntos
Consigue premios
Gana una medalla
Consigue estuches gratis
Haz las predicciones más precisas
para ganar la skin Dragon Lore y una medalla única
El jugador que consiga más puntos recibirá la prestigiosa skin Dragon Lore. Si hay varios participantes con los mismos puntos, haremos un sorteo para decidir el ganador.
Nivel de plata
Gana 10 puntos to por participar
Y también recibirás
Plata medalla para tu de Skin.Club perfil
10 Umbral de puntos del Pick'em que es necesario obtener. Las recompensas se aplican basándose en el total de puntos recibidos según la medalla. Una caja por participante
Nivel de oro
Gana 22 puntos to por participar
Y también recibirás
Oro medalla para tu de Skin.Club perfil
22 Umbral de puntos del Pick'em que es necesario obtener. Las recompensas se aplican basándose en el total de puntos recibidos según la medalla. Una caja por participante
Nivel de diamante
Gana 32 puntos to por participar
Y también recibirás
Diamante medalla para tu de Skin.Club perfil
32 Umbral de puntos del Pick'em que es necesario obtener. Las recompensas se aplican basándose en el total de puntos recibidos según la medalla. Una caja por participante
Nivel de platino
Consigue la mayor cantidad y participaFAQ
All participants must be at least 18 years of age or older, as legal age is defined by their country of residence. Only winners who are 18 or older are eligible to receive any game prizes. Participants are also strictly prohibited from creating multiple accounts.
To participate, each user must accept our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Cardholder Agreement. Please be advised that we reserve the right to verify participant’s age at our discretion through a third-party service, Sumsub. This verification process will be conducted in accordance with our Terms of Service and is intended to confirm that the participant is 18 years or older.
Should any breach of our rules be identified, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate the account of non-compliant participant, revoke reward from them (if any) and transfer the prize to an alternate winner.
To participate at Pick'em, you shall:
- Sign In using your Steam account to get started.
- Wait for the Opening Stage to begin and make your predictions by selecting:
- One team you believe will achieve a 3-0 score (remain undefeated),
- One team you predict will finish with a 0-3 score (no wins),
- And seven additional teams that you think will advance to the next stage.
- Wait for the Elimination Stage and repeat the same prediction process as in the Opening Stage.
- Wait for the Playoff Stage, and:
- Choose four teams to reach the semifinals,
- Select two of these teams for the final,
- And pick one of these teams to win the tournament.
- Check Results and Earn Points — each correct prediction awards you two points!
- Advance Through Tiers as follows:
- Reaching Silver Tier with 10 points allows you to participate in the Silver prize draw,
- Reaching Gold Tier with 22 points allows you to enter the Gold prize draw, with larger prizes,
- Reaching Diamond Tier with 32 points qualifies you to enter the Diamond top-prize draw.
- Only randomly selected winners from each Tier will win that Tier’s prize. In addition to prize, winner will also receive a Medal for the Tier reached and Case for free!*
- Platinum Tier is a special level, open only to the player with the highest points, and includes a unique prize, Dragon Lore.
- Be ready to complete age verification to win the prizes!
* To receive Tier's Case you need to deposit from $50 on Skin.Club during the event for each particular Tier's Case.
Medals are awarded for reaching specific Tiers, serving as recognition of your achievement based on prediction accuracy.You can earn one medal, which will be permanently displayed on your Skin.Club profile.
Opening Stage: November 30th - December 3rd, 2024Elimination Stage: December 5th - 8th, 2024Playoff Stage: December 12th - 15th, 2024
All times listed on the Pick'em page are based on the CET (Central European Time) time zone.
Each Tier has its own prize pool, and the prizes are distributed randomly via a random number generator (RNG). Prizes will be credited to your Skin.Club account. If a user is eligible for more than one Tier (e.g., Silver and Diamond), they will only participate in the giveaway for the highest Tier they reached.
If any unexpected events occur, we reserve the right to adjust the points system or modify the rules on the Pick'em platform as necessary.